Pandora Project Workshops 2025

Register for Term 1

What is the Pandora Project?

The Pandora project stemmed from the Art Recovery classes which were held at CAN following Cyclone Gabrielle.

For 8 weeks, we’ll explore the transformative power of art, self-expression and personal growth, learn therapeutic techniques through various art forms and experience a supportive and nurturing environment.

Who is this workshop for?

The Pandora Project welcomes art enthusiasts, seekers of self-discovery, and those in search of stress relief. It's a haven for community-minded individuals, creative explorers keen on various mediums, and those seeking healing through art.


  • Helen I’ve been trying to get an opportunity to say thank you for your support and inspiration this year. I was really hesitant to come to an art class at the start of the year. My high school art teacher and also an art teacher in Auckland put me off art classes but you were fantastic. You are fantastic at taking anybody with no judgement about where they are in their art journey and being supportive and gently pushing them that little further along. Always in a lovely way of celebrating what they have achieved but suggesting a stretch for them. I don’t think my art this year would have come along so much if it wasn’t for that supportive start you provided. So a big thank you 😘

  • My need was a new form of expression and release - something light and free and less physical than my normal routine. You have indeed shone your light in that direction for me. 5 weeks has gone so fast, too fast, enough for a taster, a tease, a tempter.

  • Helen you have taught me to not discount any work in progress. Rather see what part I like or don't and build on that. Develop my horizons and not be goverened with what already is my creation but make a new creation from it. Make what makes me smile. Great fun thank you!

  • This short course and another art course have helped me get a bit of my mojo back. It has inspired me to start using the many art products I have accumulated over the years and get creative again. Thank you Helen for the past 5 weeks.

  • Thank you Helen. I've so enjoyed devoting 2+ hours every Monday afternoon in May to art with your wonderful, passionate tuition and guidance. Being able to focus on this, away from the real world has been bliss. The introduction to gelli plate printing was a bonus with sometimes magical results!

  • Thank you Helen for sharing your incredible wealth of mixed media art techniques during the Pandora Project at Creative Arts Napier. I love that your sessions are for small groups, rather that big "one size fits all" type classes. Your ability to find the artist in everyone created a fun, encouraging environment and I enjoyed having the opportunity to try out many different materials without having to outlay a huge expense. I'd recommend the Pandora Project to anyone who is wanting to explore different art mediums as In Helen's sessions there no mistakes, just pieces of art in evolution.

Who is Pandora?

Pandora, the mythical figure unleashing both chaos and hope, echoes themes of curiosity and consequences.

Just as in the tale of Adam and Eve, curiosity led to their expulsion from paradise. In the face of recent disasters and global concerns like climate change and conflict, Pandora aims to reconnect humanity with the divine essence within, fostering unity and self-discovery.

Questions? Fill out the form and I’ll be in touch.